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Columbus' Top Cosmetic Dentist Offers:
Veneers, Cosmetic Crowns, Implants, Custom
Dentures, and Complete Smile Makeovers
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Dr. Laura Bracken has helped thousands of patients with their Smile!
Have you been thinking about fixing your smile?

Do you have pain from your teeth?

Would you like to have a more beautiful smile with teeth
that are straighter, whiter, and with no pain?
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Dr. Bracken is also In-Network with most insurances!

This can save you 30%-50% or several hundreds of dollars over Providers that are not in Network!
 Dr. Bracken has the latest Technology and a highly trained team!

Comfortable Atmosphere
Convenient Appointment Times 
 You Will Receive the Best Care 
        Available in Columbus
Dr. Laura Bracken has been providing cosmetic dental care to her patients in Columbus for over 16 years.  She has extensive training in providing the best care for you.  
Dr. Laura Bracken 
Sedation-- Feel like you slept through your treatment
Dr. Bracken has been Rated as Columbus' Top Dentist 
   Porcelain Veneers 
Giving You a BEAUTIFUL Smile 
When you look at your smile, do you wonder if it could be just a little (or a lot) more attractive? We want you to know about an affordable dental procedure that can fix crooked, discolored, uneven, and unsightly teeth. The solution is porcelain veneers! Dr. Bracken specializes in placing porcelain veneers over your existing teeth to instantly correct multiple problems at once. If you are already thinking about getting porcelain veneers or have any questions about porcelain veneers working in your specific situation, please call us at (812) 373-9912 or request an appointment through our website. We will be happy to share everything we know and see if porcelain veneers can give you the smile you have been searching for. 
Get the Smile you want!
You will smile bigger than ever!!
  Smile Makeovers are easy and Painless
  Many Patients receive the smile of their dreams in one day!
Decaying teeth affect your overall health
See What Our Patient's are                  Saying About Us
Take the First Step and Schedule a Consultation
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© Copyright Columbus Family Dental Center
Call (812)373-9912
901 3rd St.
Columbus, IN 47201
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